Tuesday, January 27, 2015

God...it's not fair!!!!!!!

This past Sunday we concluded our series "Fashion Police?" This entire series we looked at what we are called to wear internally as followers of Christ." You can listen to the podcast or download it at http://wyandottefamily.libsyn.com/  
You can also download an Amazon App for only $1.99 and have easy access to all of the podcasts right on your Android Smartphone or tablet. http://www.amazon.com/Wizzard-Media-Wyandotte-Family-Church/dp/B00OZZXW56/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1418834318&sr=8-1&keywords=Wyandotte+Family+Church 

For part 4 we talked about the issue of love. We talked about what love is and what love isn't. The slogan from Sunday was "Love is more motion than emotion." We talked about doing the right things and how are emotions follow. The definition of love we used was "making a conscious decision to love someone else in a practical way for their benefit." When we begin to do that, our emotions catch up with our decision.

Today I want to talk about these tough questions, "What if I don't love my spouse anymore?" "What if I don't feel connected to that friend anymore?" "What if the other person is still a jerk?" "What if that person at school, work or neighborhood doesn't respond or give back love?" 

These are all great questions. They are tough questions. Let's take a look at a powerful verse. I want to warn you ahead of time though, this verse isn't going to naturally sit right with you. I isn't going to seem fair. It isn't going to make sense to our flesh. However, when we choose to trust and obey God, even if it is hard, we always discover blessing!

1 Peter 2:21-23--For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered for you. He is your example, and you must follow in his steps. He never sinned, nor ever deceived anyone. He did not retaliate when he was insulted, nor threaten revenge when he suffered. He left his case in the hands of God, who always judges fairly

On a side note I am not talking about abuse, torture or any kind of harm. If that is happening you need to contact the appropriate authorities right away. What I am talking about is a spouse who is distant and uncaring. A friend who seems to be self-consumed. A co-worker who is constantly negative and mean. What are we supposed to do? How are we supposed to respond? LOVE!

Love isn't for the benefit of the giver but for the benefit of the receiver. We are called to Love he same way God loves us. Remember, love is "making a conscious decision to love someone else in a practical way for their benefit."

We can choose to love others even if we don't feel like it. When we put love into motion without the emotion it doesn't make it less powerful. From my perspective it actually makes it more powerful. You are choosing to love even when the feelings aren't there. What
Inevitably ends up happening, our feelings follow our actions. That is why I say love is more motion and emotion.

So, who do you need to love today? What relationship needs to be revived? No it doesn't happen overnight. But as you faithfully love for the other persons benefit (like Jesus Christ has done for you), you will see a change!!! NO, it wasn't fair for Jesus to have to be tortured and die on the cross but I am sure glad He was. His love, paved a way for my forgiveness, salvation and life. LOVE IS POWERFUL!!! LOVE IS MOTION!

Friday, January 23, 2015

How praying for your enemies will change your life!

This past Sunday we continued our series "Fashion Police?" This entire series we are looking at what we are called to wear internally as followers of Christ." You can listen to the podcast or download it at http://wyandottefamily.libsyn.com/  
You can also download an Amazon App for only $1.99 and have easy access to all of the podcasts right on your Android Smartphone or tablet. http://www.amazon.com/Wizzard-Media-Wyandotte-Family-Church/dp/B00OZZXW56/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1418834318&sr=8-1&keywords=Wyandotte+Family+Church 

For part 3 we talked about forgiveness. Since this is such a deep, personal and challenging area I want to blog various thoughts and scripture verses throughout the week. I pray that challenge, encourage and push you to take the next step of forgiving. You can't move forward, unless you let go of the past.

Today's blog I want to talk about a spiritual principle that Jesus commanded us to do. It can be one of the hardest spiritual principles we assimilate into our lives yet can be the most powerful and freeing.

Matthew 5:43-45--“You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’[a] and hate your enemy. 44 But I say, love your enemies![b] Pray for those who persecute you! 45 In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven

There are people who really hurt us and wound us deeply. We have talked in the past few blogs about surrender the hurt and justice into the hands of God. But now Jesus is asking me to pray for those who have hurt me????

I was talking to a wise counselor one time who told me about someone they were hurt by. They told God, I can't pray for that person because I don't want to and my prayer would be insincere. The counselor had a profound revelation from God that day. God spoke to their heart, "Since when is obedience a matter of feelings." Simply obey what I have asked you to do. That counselor began to pray for that person and God began to give wisdom and insight into the situation and changed their heart toward the other person.

There is a powerful spiritual dynamic that happens when we pray for those who have hurt us. God begins to do a deep work in our hearts and we find greater joy and strength in Him.

Even if you don't want to pray. Even if you feel like you don't mean the prayers at all. Obey Jesus Christ anyway. Begin to pray for the next 7 days that God would bless the other person. That God would draw them closer to Himself. That God would speak to them. That they would hear God's voice and sense His love. Let's take a growth step and obey.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

How does becoming like a child help me forgive?

This past Sunday we continued our series "Fashion Police?" This entire series we are looking at what we are called to wear internally as followers of Christ." You can listen to the podcast or download it at http://wyandottefamily.libsyn.com/  
You can also download an Amazon App for only $1.99 and have easy access to all of the podcasts right on your Android Smartphone or tablet. http://www.amazon.com/Wizzard-Media-Wyandotte-Family-Church/dp/B00OZZXW56/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1418834318&sr=8-1&keywords=Wyandotte+Family+Church 

For part 3 we talked about forgiveness. Since this is such a deep, personal and challenging area I want to blog various thoughts and scripture verses throughout the week. I pray that challenge, encourage and push you to take the next step of forgiving. You can't move forward, unless you let go of the past.

This is the 2nd blog this week on forgiveness. "How does becoming like a child help me forgive."

I was talking to a very wise counselor who shared with me this powerful revelation on forgiveness. Jesus taught his disciples that unless we become like little children we cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

Matthew 18:2-4-Jesus called a little child to him and put the child among them. Then he said, “I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven. So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.

What do children do when they are hurt, disappointed, made fun of etc. They run to their Mom or Dad and pour out their hearts to them. They tell the story. Share the injustice. Pour out their anger, hurt, pain and disappointment. Then when it is all done the Mom or Dad (or both) put their arms around their child and say, "I love you so much. I'm sorry that happened. I'll take care of it." When a child hears those words, they know everything is going to be fine. They run back outside or run downstairs and go back to playing.

They don't keep stewing on the situation or circumstance. They don't hold bitterness and anger. They know Mom or Dad is going to take care of it. They can move on. Just like that we are called to become like little children. We are called to run to our Heavenly Father and pour out our heart, hurt, pain and disappointment to Him. Let Him wrap His presence around us and love us and remind us that He has us in the palm of His hands. Let go of the revenge and injustice. It says in 1 Peter...

1 Peter 2:22-23-He (Jesus) never sinned, nor ever deceived anyone.23 He did not retaliate when he was insulted, nor threaten revenge when he suffered. He left his case in the hands of God,
who always judges fairly

We can leave it all in His hands and rest in His love. We can leave the revenge and justice to God. It doesn't mean we will forget it happened. I am fully aware of those who have deeply wounded me in the past. However, as we choose to forgive, forgive and forgive, the sting and pain lessen. Over time as we choose to forgive, the walls begin to come back down and we begin to love again. You'll see the person, know they had hurt you in the past, but you'll no longer be harboring bitterness. WHY? Because your Daddy loves you and is handling the situation? HOW? You ran to Him and put it in His hands.  

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I don't want to forgive!

This past Sunday we continued our series "Fashion Police?" This entire series we are looking at what we are called to wear internally as followers of Christ." You can listen to the podcast or download it at http://wyandottefamily.libsyn.com/  
You can also download an Amazon App for only $1.99 and have easy access to all of the podcasts right on your Android Smartphone or tablet. http://www.amazon.com/Wizzard-Media-Wyandotte-Family-Church/dp/B00OZZXW56/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1418834318&sr=8-1&keywords=Wyandotte+Family+Church 

For part 3 we talked about forgiveness. Since this is such a deep, personal and challenging area I want to blog various thoughts and scripture verses throughout the week. I pray that challenge, encourage and push you to take the next step of forgiving. You can't move forward, unless you let go of the past.

Today I want to share with you a powerful blog I came across written by Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. (Italicized words are my changes)
My father in law has a saying he often recites “Life won’t wait on the wounded”. While it may sound harsh at first glance it is indispensable wisdom for a life of victory. Understanding that life doesn’t pause in the midst of our pain empowers us to move forward with the knowledge that even in the darkest moments of life there is light ahead.
As a follower of Christ you’re going to face pain. The question is not will life keep moving, but will you? Here are three things to consider when you feel wounded.
You’re going to get hurt by others, especially in the church. No one is exempt from life’s pain. It’s not a question of if; it’s a question of when. We have to mature with thick skin and soft hearts. The most naive mistake we make is to behave like we haven’t ever been wounded.
One summer as a child I was at a friend’s house playing tag on our bikes. My friend and I were hiding quietly behind a car when our hideout was discovered. My buddy went to cycle away and slid his “kick stand” up in such a way that it caught my calf and sliced it open. Quickly they rushed me inside the house and his mom went into nurse mode right away. She cleaned, treated and bandaged the wound the best she could, but in actuality I needed stitches. The band aids she gave me worked for a little while, but a few days later the wound was infected to the point that I had to go to the doctor for help.

As followers of Christ  we must not simply put band-aids on areas of our life that require stitches.

Are you just trying to cover up your pain?
 It’s only in exposing the wound and dealing with it that you can bring true healing.  Take time in your life to find rest for your soul. Make it a point to have real friends. Get involved in a small group. Stay in touch with the state of your heart and listen to the nudges that push you towards reflection and renewal.
Over the next few days we will talk about some other practical ways to forgive and move forward. Remember, you can't move forward unless you let go of the past.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Wish you were more patient, gentle and kind?

This past Sunday we continued our new series "Fashion Police?" This entire series we are looking at what we are called to wear internally as followers of Christ." You can listen to the podcast or download it at http://wyandottefamily.libsyn.com/  

You can also download an Amazon App for only $1.99 and have easy access to all of the podcasts right on your Android Smartphone or tablet. http://www.amazon.com/Wizzard-Media-Wyandotte-Family-Church/dp/B00OZZXW56/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1418834318&sr=8-1&keywords=Wyandotte+Family+Church 

This past Sunday we talked about the clothes God asks us to clothe ourselves with. From Colossians 2:10 we focused on mercy, kindness, gentleness and patience. The slogan for the morning was "Whatever we are connected to we become like." 

The Bible makes it clear that Jesus Christ is the vine and we are the branches. If we remain (abide, sojourn, continue to be connected to) in Him we will produce fruit but apart from Him we can do nothing. So often, we strive and work hard to be more gentle, patient and kind, which is a very noble thing. However, we often find ourselves stuck feeling guilty, disappointed and mad at ourselves that we are not changing. WHY? 

We need to take the same amount of effort, energy and passion we are putting in becoming more __________ and put it into staying connected to Jesus. Because whatever we are connected to we become like. How do you stay connected to Jesus? There are many ways. Spend time reading the Bible. Spend time in prayer. Be faithful in church. Get involved in a small group. Practice a weekly day of rest (Sabbath), where you spend extra time with Him. Journal your prayers and thoughts. Listen to worship music and go for a walk. Listen to a podcast. etc. 

Jesus promises us that if we stay connected to Him, we will start producing fruit. So the tough question we have to face is, "Are we producing fruit in our lives?" If not, what are we connected to?

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

How to be truly wise!

This past Sunday we kicked off our new series "Fashion Police?" This entire series we are looking at what we are called to wear internally as followers of Christ." You can listen to the podcast or download it at http://wyandottefamily.libsyn.com/  

You can also download an Amazon App for only $1.99 and have easy access to all of the podcasts right on your Android Smartphone or tablet. http://www.amazon.com/Wizzard-Media-Wyandotte-Family-Church/dp/B00OZZXW56/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1418834318&sr=8-1&keywords=Wyandotte+Family+Church 

This past Sunday we talked about the GAP that exists from our head to our heart. We know far more intellectually than we live out practically. That is why Jesus said, those who hear my words and obey them, build their house on the rock. Jesus said, "If you love me, than obey my commands." Jesus was never impressed with outward appearance or flattering speech He looked at obedience and action.

A short but strongly pointed verse in the Psalms is Psalm 119:100
  I am even wiser than my elders, for I have kept your commandments."

His elders may have had age, experience and even head knowledge of Scripture. But if they didn't obey and put the Scriptures into action, then they were not wise. It doesn't matter how long you have attended church or have been in your church. It doesn't matter how many bible verses you have memorized. It doesn't matter what others say about you (all three of those are important). If you and I are not living out what we know and obeying what God says, it is pointless. God isn't impressed with your badges and medals. He is looking at your heart.  

I am thankful that Jesus stood in the GAP so his grace could cover and close my GAP!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

New Year, New You

Happy New Year! It is hard to believe it is 2015. According to Back to the Future, we are only 5 years away from flying cars :). As we start a new year I want to challenge you to try something new. Strategically make change in your life. Even if life is going good, make changes. Change your routine. Learn a new skill. Take a next step spiritually. Read your Bible. Put time in your calendar every day to pray. Get involved in your church.

When we change, we experience something new. Whether it is a new perspective, new thought or revelation, new strength or stronger relationships, it is always good.

So what next step or new step can you take today?