Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I don't want to forgive!

This past Sunday we continued our series "Fashion Police?" This entire series we are looking at what we are called to wear internally as followers of Christ." You can listen to the podcast or download it at http://wyandottefamily.libsyn.com/  
You can also download an Amazon App for only $1.99 and have easy access to all of the podcasts right on your Android Smartphone or tablet. http://www.amazon.com/Wizzard-Media-Wyandotte-Family-Church/dp/B00OZZXW56/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1418834318&sr=8-1&keywords=Wyandotte+Family+Church 

For part 3 we talked about forgiveness. Since this is such a deep, personal and challenging area I want to blog various thoughts and scripture verses throughout the week. I pray that challenge, encourage and push you to take the next step of forgiving. You can't move forward, unless you let go of the past.

Today I want to share with you a powerful blog I came across written by Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. (Italicized words are my changes)
My father in law has a saying he often recites “Life won’t wait on the wounded”. While it may sound harsh at first glance it is indispensable wisdom for a life of victory. Understanding that life doesn’t pause in the midst of our pain empowers us to move forward with the knowledge that even in the darkest moments of life there is light ahead.
As a follower of Christ you’re going to face pain. The question is not will life keep moving, but will you? Here are three things to consider when you feel wounded.
You’re going to get hurt by others, especially in the church. No one is exempt from life’s pain. It’s not a question of if; it’s a question of when. We have to mature with thick skin and soft hearts. The most naive mistake we make is to behave like we haven’t ever been wounded.
One summer as a child I was at a friend’s house playing tag on our bikes. My friend and I were hiding quietly behind a car when our hideout was discovered. My buddy went to cycle away and slid his “kick stand” up in such a way that it caught my calf and sliced it open. Quickly they rushed me inside the house and his mom went into nurse mode right away. She cleaned, treated and bandaged the wound the best she could, but in actuality I needed stitches. The band aids she gave me worked for a little while, but a few days later the wound was infected to the point that I had to go to the doctor for help.

As followers of Christ  we must not simply put band-aids on areas of our life that require stitches.

Are you just trying to cover up your pain?
 It’s only in exposing the wound and dealing with it that you can bring true healing.  Take time in your life to find rest for your soul. Make it a point to have real friends. Get involved in a small group. Stay in touch with the state of your heart and listen to the nudges that push you towards reflection and renewal.
Over the next few days we will talk about some other practical ways to forgive and move forward. Remember, you can't move forward unless you let go of the past.

1 comment:

  1. This post is spot on for my current situation. It speaks to my heart. I have always neglected my wounds. Now that I am beginning to expose them I can feel growth. It is very painful but its time for me to get past what Ive never gotten over. The healing process hurts but I know I am not alone. I have friends and family that are by my side. Its time to move forward
