Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sacrifice--John Wesley

John Wesley

Born in 1703 is most known for being the founder of the Methodist Church. However, as you look a little deeper into his life you see a lot more. He stood for many causes and beliefs that brought him great persecution and pain.

  • He was the first preacher to publicly preach for slave rights. He was a huge supporter of the abolition of slavery which brought him much opposition.
  • When his theological views caused him to pushed out of the church he began to speak in open air meetings outside with his friend George Whitfield"
  • He began to gather and approve lay preachers to help with the ministry. The Anglican Church was furious for him letting people preach who weren't ordained. This was an outcry.
  • Because of his generous spirit, when he died, he died a poor man in the eyes of the world. Yet, during his life he was used by God to see 541 lay preachers spread out all over and reach thousands for Jesus Christ

The one part of his sacrifice that challenges me the most is this one statement as he was having dinner with one of the most popular British authors of his time. He asked John to stay up late with him and keep talking to which John replied, "no, I can't I have an appointment in the morning." He was asked at what time? John replied, "I have an appointment at 4AM." With whom? John replied, "With God." That was a commitment he made everyday to be alone talking and listening to God.

As we plant this church, there will be plenty of opportunities to sacrifice time, money, energy and comfort. The one sacrifice I pray we all experience is the sacrifice of seeking God and believing Him to do the impossible. The more we know God the greater He will pour out of our lives. Maybe you start with just taking 10 minutes every morning to be with HIM! Let's sacrifice for the eternal!

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