Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Rest is Waiting

This past Sunday we continued our series "Rest Stop" You can listen to the podcasts or download it by clicking here WYANDOTTE FAMILY PODCAST You can also watch the sermons on our NEW You Tube Channel  CLICK HERE 

REST! It is such a lovely word isn't it? It sounds so peaceful and tranquil! But truly that is all it is to us...a word! 

REST seems out of reach for us. Rest seems unattainable. Rest doesn't feel like an option for us does it? 

God is our creator and He has blueprints for us to live by. He shows us the importance of rest and actually reveals in His blueprints that rest is a GIFT for us to use. 

Hebrews 3:4 - For every house has a builder, but the one who built everything is God.

You and I are free to use whatever blueprints we want but we may not get the results we hoped for. If you want REST follow God's blueprints. Read His Word. Trust His ways! 

Here is a list of some songs you can listen to and be encouraged to find Rest in Him!

Kari Jobe - Here - 

Rest In You - Hillsong - 

Kari Jobe - Be Still My Soul -

Danny Goeky - Breathe -

Shoulders - For King & Country -

Matt Maher - Rest - 

Big Daddy Weave - Overwhelmed -

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