Tuesday, February 3, 2015

I'll start doing ________ when I ___________

This past Sunday we kicked off our NEW SERIES "Body Building?" We are looking at how we can "pump up" and grow as a church body (family)." You can listen to the podcast or download it at http://wyandottefamily.libsyn.com/  
You can also download an Amazon App for only $1.99 and have easy access to all of the podcasts right on your Android Smartphone or tablet. http://www.amazon.com/Wizzard-Media-Wyandotte-Family-Church/dp/B00OZZXW56/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1418834318&sr=8-1&keywords=Wyandotte+Family+Church 

Have you ever said or thought this before? "I'll start doing _________ when I ___________. That is an easy statement or thought for us to grab a hold of. That statement and the reasoning that follows becomes the foundation for us to stay right where we are at. YET, that isn't how the Kingdom of God operates. As a follower of Jesus Christ we don't follow any other way but the way God designed it to work. It says in Luke...

Luke 16:10-If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.

With God it doesn't matter how much time, energy, finances, or resources we have. He isn't impressed if we have a lot of money or if we have a great title. Instead, he is looking to see if we are FAITHFUL. If we are faithful with what He has already blessed us with. How do we know if we are being faithful? Are we using our time, talents and treasures for our goals and purposes or for His?

God has given us everything we have. It says in...

1 Corinthians 10:26--26 For “the earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it.

Everything has come from Him and everything was given for His glory, His goals and His purposes. He is looking to see if we are using our money for His purposes and glory. He is looking to see if we are using our time for His purposes and glory. He is looking to see if we are using are family for His purposes and His glory. He is looking to see if we are using our talents and skills for His purposes and His glory.

Wherever you are and whatever you have, just start with the word faithful. Be faithful right now with what God has given you. How to you learn what God wants or what God asks? Spend time reading the Bible every day. The Bible is His heart and Word. It reveals His purpose and plan for our lives.

Remember, God owns it all. we are just the managers. Manage well!

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