Thursday, February 7, 2013

Conflict is everywhere

This past Sunday we started our NEW SERMON SERIES "Pitfall." This entire month we are going to look at what the BIble says about conflict and how we can learn to navigate through it in a healthy way!!. For part 1 we set the stage for the rest of the series as we talked about developing the right goal when it comes to conflict. If you missed it you can listen on-line at or you can listen on iTunes at

As a full time pastor for 12 1/2 years I have been in a lot of conflict and I have seen a lot of conflict. I've witnessed the pitfall of divorce and breakdown of famiy units. I've witnessed the pitfall of church disunity and not being able to work through issues. I've witnessed the pitfalls of broken friendships and hurtful misunderstandings. 

Conflict abounds in every relationship no matter how spiritual or mature we are. We will encounter conflict. The goal of every person shouldn't be simply to be heard, to be right or to prove others wrong. The goal isn't to live a conflict free life. When that is our goal, we have a tendancy to stuff, ignore or run from conflict. The highest goal is for our relationships to be whole. If that is our highest goal then we will not run from conflict but be willing to work things out.

I'm truly pumped for the next 3 weeks as we look at God's strategy for dealing with conflict. This truly has potential to transform our relationships and see God restore the fractured ones.

May we be willing to take an authentic look at how we handle conflict and humble enough to follow the designer of the universe and His strategy.

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