Monday, March 22, 2010

Missing the Mark

There is a church word that has been tossed around for years. It has been tossed around for so long even those who don't believe in God or go to church know the word. Have you guessed it yet? It's the word sin.

Even though we hear that word a lot, what does it really mean? Does the truth and reality of sin line up to our perspective of it or what we have heard?

One of the main Hebrew definitions of the word sin simply means missing the mark. How many times have we played darts or archery. We get so excited when we get a bulls-eye because it doesn't happen every attempt.

God has a standard (the bulls-eye) but unfortunately we miss the mark (sin). Check out a verse from the book of Romans founs in the new Testament...Romans 3:23. There isn't one of us who meets the standard. We all miss the mark. What is the effect of our sin?

#1--Sin Separates--we see in the book of Leviticus that those who miss the mark are cut off from the rest. Even though we don't practice removing people from churches who sin (because there would be no one left including the preacher) SIN STILL SEPARATES. SIN (missing the mark of God's standard) always causes separation in relationships.
#2--Sin brings death--Leviticus 8:35 & Romans 6:23--the ultimate goal of sin brings death and the ultimate goal of God is to bring us life. So the way God has designed us to operate and His principles that have been set into motion, actually bring life and freedom while missing that mark brings death.

So now that we know what sin actually is and the results of it, what in the world are we to do about it? Over the next few days I'll try to dissect the significance of Jesus and what He did to remove our sin.

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