When we hear the word Sabbath we all have different thoughts or pictures come to our mind. Some have no idea what sabbath means? Other's think of a legalistic set of rules to follow on Sunday. Some may think of simply going to church in the morning.
No matter what comes to mind God created Sabbath to be a day of delight, rest and refreshment. Life is busy, hectic, hard, fast pace, stretching, exhausting, and sometimes painful. God understands that and has actually implemented and created a princple called the Sabbath.
Exodus 24:21--6 days you will work but on the 7th day you will rest, even during theh plowing season and harvest you must rest.
Here are some simple thoughts on God's princple of the Sabbath
*Taking a day of rest (delight) reminds us that we aren't god. The world doesn't revolve around us. The world still goes on even if step back from our Blackberry's for a day
*Taking a day of rest is about trust. God commanded Israel to take Sabbath even during the most crucial work season possible...plowing and harvest. But God, if I take a break and spend time with you and others less work will get done. God say's "not really...if you obey me and follow my Word, you will get more work done because you will be refreshed."Do I trust God?
*Taking a day of rest goes again this culture. In a world of 24/7, God's princple allows us to be different and allow His power and presence to be revealed.Have you ever taken a true Sabbath rest before? I challenge you in the next 7 days, set one day aside and answer the following questions...
#1--What should I not do on my Sabbath (what would distract me & still be work)
#2--What shoudl I do on my Sabbath (what will refresh my relationship with God &
my family)
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