The other day I was driving down Southfield Rd. in the midst of all the crazy construction and traffic. I was running late and of course in a hurry. Then all of a sudden a semi-truck pulls over into my lane and cuts me off. I was starting to get frustrated since he was going so slow and getting in my way (lol). He pulled over back to his lane and that's when I saw clearly. There was a cop in the right lane trying to catch someone speeding and the truck actually saved me!!!
So many times we go through certain situations and circumstances and are quickly to judge good or bad. Whatever you are facing today, hey you never know, could end up being a blessing tomorrow!!
My friend, Marcy, always says that everything happens for reason. . .even if we don't know what that reason is at the moment. . . but that we should trust and just let go and let God. . . Yeah, she's a really good friend!