Friday, January 29, 2016

Compassionate or Critical?

This past Sunday we continued our SERIES "Just Walk Across the Room." This entire series we are looking at how to share our faith in natural way regardless of your personality type or experience.." You can listen to the podcast or download it by clicking here WYANDOTTE FAMILY PODCAST

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The first D in 3D living is learning to DEVELOP FRIENDSHIPS. The 2nd D in 3D living is Discovering other peoples story!  

It is easy to become critical of others who are different than us or don't believe what we do. We start grouping people together like, "Those Republicans or those Democrats. Those Christians or those Atheists." 

However, we want to be a genuine Christ follower we are called to be like Him. We are called to be compassionate. Let's look a a a verse from the Old Testament and the New Testament. 

Psalm 119:136-Rivers of tears gush from my eyes because people disobey your instructions. 

When we see people acting in a way that is contrary to God's nature and character, it should break our hearts. Prayer should be our #1 response not picketing. Intercession not instigating should be our natural reaction. 

Matthew 9:36When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

Jesus saw people that were not following God's word or His ways. That is actually why he left heaven and become human. May we follow His example and live our lives the same way. 

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