Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Is Church for Church people?

This past Sunday we KICKED OFF our new series "But Why?" This entire series we are going to look at the Why behind the What at WFC!!! We will break down our vision of Faith, Family & Fun. You can listen to the podcast at http://www.wyandottefamily.com/listen.html or you can download it from iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/wyandotte-family-church/id478735158  

So, is church for church people? What is the church for? What is the purpose of the church? Why did Jesus establish the church? When is the first time the word church is mentioned in the Bible? These are all great questions.

If you listen to the podcast from this past Sunday you will learn where the word "church" is first mentioned in the New Testament, the context of which is was mentioned and what that means to us today. I pray it is as life changing for you as it was for me!

Should church be a place non-religious people can connect to? Should church be a place only for the religious?

Right before Jesus died on the cross we get a glimpse into His heart in John 17. We can glean several things from Jesus' prayer. He prays for his followers (ek-klā-sē'-ä ). He does pray several things but I want to hone in on one of them for the purpose of this blog.

John 17:18-Just as you sent me into the world, I am sending them into the world.

Jesus prayed that His followers would be a sent group on mission. Just as He left heaven and entered our world, we are called and commissioned to do the same The church was originally a movement with a message not a meeting place. It was a group of people who gathered together as one, with a singular vision and mission, "To spread the truth and grace of Jesus Christ to ALL PEOPLE." It was the mission that brought them together.

Looking at the Gospels, how Jesus taught and lived, He would expect the non-religious, hurting, skeptical, struggling and broken to be in our churches. Why? Because that is who Jesus called us to love, serve and reach. The prerequisite to being a part of the church is being a sinner. Jesus Himself said, "He didn't come to save those who think they are righteous but those who know they are sinners."

Who can you reach this week? Who can you serve? Who can you encourage? Who can you listen to? Who can you pray with? Who can you spend time with? Who can you invite to church? Let's be a people who are focused on the mission not tradition.

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