Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Solid Foundation part 2

We concluded our series this past Sunday "40 Days in the Word" with part 6" How do I Integrate the Bible into my daily life?" You can listen to the podcast at http://www.wyandottefamily.com/listen.html or you can download it from iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/wyandotte-family-church/id478735158  

We talked about on Sunday the importance of Building our lives on the Word of God. That is the first step in integrating the Bible into our lives. Let’s take a look at the second step.

#2--Live by the Word of God.

The Word of God (Bible) is not only food for your soul, the Word of God is your standard of living.  It is the Word of God that sets the standard by which you judge everything else of value in your life.  It’s the standard by which you make decisions for the things you are facing in life.  We build our lives on something.  We base those decisions on something.  It comes when we allow the Word of God to become the standard by which we live by. 

The Bible says in Psalm 1:1-2, Oh, the joys (other translations say “Blessed are”) of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night.

What does that mean?  It means if you want your life to be blessed you don’t build your life on the counsel of the world, on the way the world thinks. But you meditate, you build your life on the way that God thinks. It means we find out what God has to say and His reality before we act or make a decision. We thing, mediate and trust His ways.

The counsel of the ungodly, that’s the stuff we hear all the time – on television, in movies, in print, and in media.  It’s the talk that goes on around the world around us.  It’s the values of the world. It is extremely popular! And the Bible says if you want your life to be blessed you don’t build your life, you don’t live your life by that kind of counsel; but live your life, build your life, feed your life, on the Word of God.  

It’s the Word of God that will give you hope when you’re in crisis.  It’s the Word of God that will give you comfort when you are in despair.  It’s the Word of God that will give you strength when you are weak.  It’s the Word of God that will give you wisdom when you’re confused.  It’s the Word of God that will give you guidance when you’re looking for direction.  And it’s the Word of God that will give you strength to resist when you face temptation. These are all things we will have to walk through in our lives.

Psalm 119:11 says “I’ve hidden your word in my heart so that I might not sin against you.”  He says this is the reason I’ve hidden your word in my heart.  This is what memorizing the Bible is about.  It’s about hiding it.  Taking it into my heart.  He says I’ve hidden your word in my heart not so I can just be Super Christian.  But it’s so I will not sin against you. So I can live in such a way that honors You. 

Remember in Matthew 4 when Jesus was tempted? There were three times the devil came and tempted him.  And all three times Jesus only used one weapon to defend himself.  He said “It’s written…”  When the devil would tempt him again he says, “Yeah, but it’s written.”  It is written.”  It is the only weapon he used to defend himself.

If you have the desire to follow Jesus and be like Jesus, then we learn from how He defended Himself. Even Jesus used the weapon of Scripture to fight temptation.

So often, when we most need the Bible is when we don’t have a Bible with us, when we’re talking to a friend who’s in trouble, or when we’re tempted by something or someone.  We don’t have our Bible with us.  That’s why we have to hide the Word of God in our hearts.  God will bring the word back to our minds.  But he can’t bring it back to our minds if we haven’t hidden it in our hearts yet.  He’ll bring the word back to your mind for yourself, for what you’re facing.  And he’ll bring it back to your mind for what some friend of yours is facing, some challenge that they’re up against.  You can say, but here’s what God’s Word says.  And the verse that you’ve memorized will come back to you.  And you’ll be able to share that to help them as they build their life.  To help them in their walk with Jesus Christ. 

That’s why God wants us to remember the Word with our hearts, to put it in, to memorize it, and then to let that be the standard by which we live our lives.  By which we build our lives and fight the good fight of faith.

It is very much like the process of making tea. Coffee is more popular here Downriver Detroit but many still like to drink tea. Once you have hot water you but the tea bag in your mug. As it seeps, the water absorbs the color and the flavor and the aroma and the character of the tea. But something else happens to the water.  It takes on a whole new identity.  Because we no longer call it a glass of water.  We now call it a glass of tea. 

When you let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly you absorb the nature of Christ, the flavor and the aroma of Christ.  But something else happens to you.  You take on a whole new identity and you begin to become the man or the woman of God that he has always wanted you to become.  You begin to become the man or woman of God that you have always wanted to be when you let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.  Not only do you know what the Word of God says, you begin to become more and more like the author. 

As we build out lives on the Bible and begin to follow through and live the Bible we find ourselves become stronger and stronger. We find ourselves building our lives on the rock!! In a world that is unstable and constantly changing, we can be standing strong!!!


Adapted from thoughts from Rick Warren and 40 Days in the Word Campaign

PS. This Sunday we launch our new series “STORIES.” It is going to be a fun, inspiring and motivation month as we hear many peoples stories from our church and from around the state.


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