Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Bible is Prophetically Accurate

We officially started our NEW series this past Sunday "40 Days in the Word" with part 1" Is the Bible reliable and trustworthy? You can listen to the podcast at or you can download it from iTunes  

We talked about the Bible being historically accurate. In yesterdays blog we talked about the Bible being scientifically accurate. This morning we are going to look at the 3rd reason we can trust the Bible.

We know we can trust the Bible because it is prophetically accurate.

What in the world does that mean? What is prophetically accurate?  It simply means that the predictions in the Bible always come true. It means what the Bible said would happen have happened. It means what the Bible says will happen, will happen.

The Bible is filled with literally thousands and thousands of prophecies where God says, “This is going to happen at such and such a time, in such and such a way.”  Over all of the centuries thousands of these prophecies have already been fulfilled, every one of them exactly as God said.  And some of them are still yet to be fulfilled.

There are over three hundred prophecies in the Bible about Jesus, the Messiah, up to a thousand years before he was born.  And over a thousand year period, three hundred prophecies said things like, This is when he’ll be born, this is where he’ll be born, this is how he’ll be born.  You can’t control that if you’re trying to make yourself the Messiah.  You didn’t choose where you were born.  This is how he’ll die, the manner he’ll die and what he’ll die from.  Over three hundred prophecies.

What are the odds of me making three hundred predictions about you and every one of them coming true?  The odds are so astronomical you couldn’t write that number down.  It takes more faith to believe it was all just a coincidence than to believe that God planned it.  It takes enormous faith to believe it’s all just random, that it all just happened, without a designer, without a creator.  A thousand years before Jesus came and died on the cross, David in one of his psalms describes what death by crucifixion is like.  He didn’t use the word “crucifixion” because nobody knew that word.  But a thousand years before the Romans are even thinking of crucifixion, David describes what the death of crucifixion was like.  How did he know that?  Only God could have told him. 

Another big prophecy that came to past was Israel becoming a nation again. Israel had been judged by God because of their sin and taken captive by other nations. However, the Old Testament prophesied that they would become one nation again. Ezekiel 37:21-22, Ezekiel 37:10-14, Ezekiel 34:13, Amos 9:14-15. These prophecies were all fulfilled in 1948 when Israel became a nation again.

The Bible says in 2 Peter “No prophecy ever originated from humans. [In other words guys just didn’t sit around and say, “Let’s think this one up, and write it down.”] Instead, it was given by the Holy Spirit as humans spoke under God’s direction.” 

During Bible times nobody wanted to be a prophet.  You know why?  Because the law was this in Israel: A prophet of God had to be correct one hundred percent of the time.  If you were wrong just once, then you were considered a false prophet and you would be put to death.  So nobody wanted to be a prophet because you had to be accurate one hundred percent of the time.

There are a lot of people claiming to be prophets today.  There are prophets, false prophets, non-profits (LOL).  By the way, this summer we are going to discuss a Biblical perspective on psychics and palm readers in a NEW series titled “RAW.” This world is full of people who want to tell you the future. However, nothing has ever been as consistent or accurate over human history as the Bible.

The Bible is prophetically accurate. Jesus said this in Matthew 26, “But this is all happening to fulfill the words of the prophets as recorded in Scriptures.”  Jesus said it is all coming true just like God predicted.

Revelation 22, John said “The angel said to me, ‘These words are trustworthy [you can trust them] and they’re true. [why?  Because they’re from God] The Lord… sent his angel to show his servants the things that must soon take place.”  It is prophetically accurate.  And the odds of all these prophecies happening just the way they did, over thousands of years, are astronomical.

this blog is adapted from thoughts from Rick Warren and the 40 Days in the Word Campaign

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