Friday, December 7, 2012

Sweet Surrender (or is it)?

This past Sunday we launched our NEW SERIES "Unwrapping Worship." We are going through various characters in the Christmas story discovering the heart of worship. For part 1 we looked at the lives of Mary & Joseph. We talked about how surrender is worship! You can listen to the podcast at or you can listen on iTunes at

As we look at the Bible, we see that there are many people who worshiped through surrender. The amazing reality is that as people have surrendered, there are two common themes we find. First of all, the surrender process if often painful, challenging and hard. Second, the end result is full of God's blessing and presence. 

So Who else in scripture came to a collision with their will vs. God’s will? What did they do?

Abraham and his surrender (worship)—Genesis 22

Jesus and His surrender—Matthew 26:36-44

Surrender is the ultimate form of worship. It is when we choose to trust His will and His way even if we don't understand. 

I pray that we will be a people who grow the rest of our lives in this kind of Worship!!

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