This past Sunday we continued our new series "At the movies" with "Field of Dreams"
You can listen to this message on dreams on our website at or you can listen on iTunes at
We looked at the life of Joseph in Genesis and talked about the reality, "The size of our dreams reveals the size of our God!"
The harsh reality is that many of us are so busy and so consumed with temporal things, we don't take time to DREAM BIG!! When I say dream big it doesn't necessarily mean having to compare ourselves to the President or Mother Theresa. We all have the same opportunity to seek God and allow Him to birth dreams for our world and sphere of influence.
What dreams do you have for your marriage? (I know my dream is to celebrate my 50th anniversary with my wife!! Hey, 12 down only 38 more to go :)
What dreams do you have for your family?
How could your community, city, neighborhood be better?
How could God use you to mentor and be an example to children and teens?
Is there something that God could use you to create that would meet a current need in our society?
How could God use your gifts and talents to make your church community more effective?
Allowing God to show us how things could and should be is a part of the process. God is the master and planting dreams in the hearts of his children and then providing the strength and even the miraculous provision of that dream.
May we not settle for small dreams that we can obtain in our small finite strength and limited wisdom. Let's allow God to birth God sized dreams in our hearts that cause us to rely only on Him and to take risks trusting He will be faithful and come through!!