How many of us love to get a good bargain? I'm just curious...are you one of the crazy day after Thanksgiving and Christmas shoppers too? I love those two days more for the free snow globes at JC Penny's than anything else (lol)
I was reminded of another quote from Dave Williams as I was reading the Bible this morning..."We all understand the value of something but we very seldom want to pay the price."
Deuteronomy 7 reveals this principle about understanding the value but not wanting to pay the price. God was revealing Himself to the entire nation of Israel though fire on the mountain. Out of the fire the tangible voice of God could be heard. They were the first people to actually hear the voice of God and to encounter the glory of God and not die. A GREAT THING, right? Something to get excited about, right? Wrong!
Instead they approached Moses and asked him to talk to God for what they saw and heard was too much for them. In other words, they understood the value of hearing God's voice and being in His presence but they didn't want to pay the price to do so.
What was the result of them delegating the presence and voice of God to someone else? While Moses was on the mountain encountering God, they were at the bottom making an idol (golden calf) and growing further apart from Him!
Anything in life that is significant comes at a price. No one can run a marathon by watching the fitness channel. No one can lift 300 pounds by only lifting Twinkies. We all understand the value of things but often don't want to pay the price. Let me encourage you today, nothing compares to knowing God and walking in His presence. It's worth the price of dropping everything else for a moment to read His Word, pray and listen to His voice. It's worth setting aside time to get together with other followers of Christ once a week to worship and encounter His presence together. ITS WORTH IT!!!! Don't delegate the most important things of life to someone else.
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