This past Sunday we continued CONCLUDED our series "TEMPTATION." This entire we have looked at the reality temptations are inevitable so we should learn how to navigate successfully through them. We also looked at a few keys to becoming stronger in resisting temptation" You can listen to the podcasts or download it by clicking here WYANDOTTE FAMILY PODCAST You can also watch the sermons on our NEW You Tube Channel CLICK HERE
We ended the series talking about "The Fight of your life." You and I are in a spiritual battle until we cross over from this world into the next. So, what can we do to become stronger in the battle? What can we do to not grow weary in the battle? I am going to spend the next few posts going over different ways we can not only prepare for the fight but grow in the fight.
Tactic #1- Worship
Romans 13:14—Instead clothe yourself with the presence
of the Lord Jesus Christ. And don’t let yourself think about ways to indulge
your evil desires.
We talked about the battle between our flesh and spirit. Even as followers of Christ we have thoughts and desires that are not pleasing or honoring to God. We are under no obligation to fulfill those desires and urges.
Paul says in Romans to clothe yourself with the presence of of the Lord Jesus Christ. When we do that we will not be thinking about the evil desires that want us to stray.
When you and I begin to worship we taking our thoughts off of ourselves, our situations and our desires. Instead we fix our thoughts upon God's glory, holiness, power, grace and love. It is during worship when we realize how big God and in a healthy way how small we are. It is during worship we realize He is is with and He is able to overcome any battle we are facing.
How can worship become a greater part of your day?
a) I encourage you to set time aside every day simply to worship. It works best first thing in the morning. It allows you to get your mindset right before the chaos of the day. It helps you have the proper perspective on life and on the coming challenges.
b) Listen to worship music in the car ride on the way to work and back or to school and back. Here are a few suggestions...
-Here as in Heaven Album by Elevation Worship: Here is an example:
-No Longer Slaves by Chris Tomlin off the Passion 2016 Album:
-Other great groups are Bethel Music, Citi Live Worship and Jesus Culture
-Here as in Heaven Album by Elevation Worship: Here is an example:
-No Longer Slaves by Chris Tomlin off the Passion 2016 Album:
-Other great groups are Bethel Music, Citi Live Worship and Jesus Culture
c) Make corporate worship a priority. Find a local church and be faithful on a weekly basis. When you make worshipping with other believers a priority it will always increase your faith and strengthen your spirit in the battle