Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Guardrails for sexual desires
Guardrails has truly been a challenging series!!! You can listen to Guardrails part 3 "Flee Baby Flee" or any previous messages on our website or you can download it from iTunes
Guardrails are so important. They cause a smaller accident in order to prevent a devastating one. They are placed in safe zones to keep us out of the danger zones. Many people refuse or push back on the concept of guardrails because they feel like it is childish. They feel like they are silly to have because wherever guardrails are placed they seem extreme.
However, if we put guardrails to close to the edge of the cliff, we will always go over. Even though we tell ourselves we are strong enough and able to handle it, we know deep down we are not.
The beauty of guardrails is that our conscience is tripped when we bump into them. We stop and get back on the road before we go over the cliff. My prayer for you is that you never have to experience financial, relational, or sexual disaster.
So in the area of physical intimacy and sex, what guardrails have you set up in your life? What plan do you have? What pre-choice choice have you already established? When it comes to sex and physical intimacy, this is one of the most powerful, beautiful and destructive desire. If you listen to the podcast, we go over some guardrails that are good for married people and single people to have in their lives.
Remember, no one ever regrets having guardrails. However, people regret it after they have cheated on their spouse, destroyed their marriage, hurt their children, and ruined their reputation.
Will people think you are too extreme? Will people think you are too conservative? Probably! However, those same people will be the ones bashing you over the head when you have gone over the cliff. Trust God. Do what is best for future, your marriage and your health.
PS. If you have never seen or watched one of our mid-week motivators check it out
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Exposing the 2nd biggest Misquote from the Bible
This past Sunday we continued our NEW SERMON SERIES "YOU PICK" We had a fun fathers day dealing with famous misconceptions and misquotes from the Bible." If you missed the message you can listen to it at or you can listen on iTunes at This Sunday we will continue our series with part 4 "Is the world really ending?"
Before I deal with the 2nd biggest misquote in the Bible, "God only helps them who helps themselves," I wanted to answer a few questions I had asked on Sunday. The Bible does not say Adam and Eve ate an apple. It actually says in Genesis 3:6 that she ate the forbidden fruit. The Bible does not say Jonah was swallowed by a whale. It says in Jonah 1:17 that Jonah was swallowed by a "great fish." Finally, it doesn't say that there were 3 wise men that brought Jesus gifts at his birth. We get that from the 3 gifts that were brought to Jesus.
God only helps those who help themselves has been quoted by people all over the country and even by the White House Press Secretary...check this out!
When White House press secretary Jay Carney was giving the press conference Wednesday touting President Obama's jobs bill, he invoked a popular saying that he said comes from the Bible. President Obama had urged passage of a provision in his job bill by saying, “I trust in God, but God wants to see us help ourselves by putting people back to work.” A reporter later asked Carney if Obama crossed the line by bringing God into the jobs debate. Carney’s response: “I believe that the phrase from the Bible is, ‘The Lord helps those who help themselves.' ”
So, is that an actual verse or phrase from the Bible? No it is not! If it's not from the Bible, then where did it come from? It actually is attributed to Benjamin Franklin. He wrote that in 1736 in his "Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanac.
Yes there is a verse in the Bible that says, "If you don't work you don't eat." It's found in 2 Thessalonians 3:10-13...10 Even while we were with you, we gave you this command: “Those unwilling to work will not get to eat.” 11 Yet we hear that some of you are living idle lives, refusing to work and meddling in other people’s business. 12 We command such people and urge them in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and work to earn their own living. 13 As for the rest of you, dear brothers and sisters, never get tired of doing good.
We are also challenged in Proverbs 6:6 to learn a lesson from the Ants and how hard they work. Proverbs 10:4 reminds us that those who are lazy will be poor. Proverbs 13:4 reminds us that those who work hard will prosper. Romans 12:11 commands us to never be lazy but to work hard for the Lord with enthusiasm.
So there is this theme in the Bible of working hard, giving your best and doing everything unto God as worship. However, it doesn't say that God only helps those who helps themselves. This statement seems to promote a self-reliance on one's own power rather than trusting wholly in God. There are plenty of verses that actually show us that our strength comes from complete dependence on Him alone. God delights in helping those who will give Him all of the glory, honor and praise.
Isaiah 40.29.29 He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless.
Isaiah 41.10. 10 Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand Ephesians 3.7. By God’s grace and mighty power, I have been given the privilege of serving him by spreading this Good News. Ephesians 3.16. I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Philippians 4:13— For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
Ephesians 3:20— Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Psalm 68.35--God is awesome in his sanctuary. The God of Israel gives power and strength to his people. Praise be to God! Ephesians 1:10—Be strong in the Lord and in HIS mighty power.
The misquote is popular in part because it is a reflection of cherished American values: individual liberty and self-reliance, says Sidnie White Crawford, a religious studies scholar at the University of Nebraska.
So there is this delicate balance. When we takes steps of faith and depend on God, He will be faithful and provide, bless, open doors etc. However, it wasn't our brilliance, strength or stamina that caused or created it. It was God's amazing grace and blessing on our lives that has given us the opportunity and rewards.
Can God move mountains in your life if you don't take a step...NO. However, when you do take a step don't think for one moment that you had the strength to move the mountain. May God always get the glory, honor and praise.
(For further study do some research on the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a gift of rest to God's people. It's a reminder that the world revolves around Him and not us. It reminds us that there is only one God and we are not Him :)
Friday, June 14, 2013
How did the Bible form?
This past Sunday we continued our NEW SERMON SERIES "YOU PICK" For the first time in my life I preached without using the Bible as we answered the question, "Can you prove Jesus without the Bible?" If you missed the message you can listen to it at or you can listen on iTunes at This Sunday we will continue our series with part 3 "Misquotes and Misconceptions of the Bible."
Another question people have when it comes to the validity of the Bible is, "How can it be trusted?" "Wasn't it compiled but a group of men?" "Why did some books make the Bible and others didn't?" "What was the deciding factors and how do we know we have what God intended?"
The Bible has a closed Canon. The definition of Canon comes from the Hebrew word Qaneh which means reed or stock (example: yard stick). It came to be a measuring reed (which was a form of measurement at the time) to be the standard of Scripture. There were many discussions on creating a finalized cannon and most books of the New Testament were embraced by the 3rd century.
In 400AD Jerome translated the Jewish Scriptures that were written in Greek into Latin. He had all of the same Scriptures from the Jewish Bible but also included a few extra books but noted that they were not on the same level of Scripture but informative. Some of these extra books were embraced by some and rejected by others.
By the 5th Century most New Testament books were widely embraced and accepted by Church Leadership. However, the Protestant Bible did not include the extra books.
Here is the 4 criteria they used for the Protestant Bible.
- Inspiration & Authority— There had to be a sense of inspiration from God. Recognition of writings that were divinely written by the hand of God.
- Authorship--Attributed to and based upon the preaching/teaching of the first-generation apostles (or their close companions).
- Universal Acceptance & Use — Acknowledged by all major Christian communities in the ancient world (by the end of the 4th century) as well as accepted canon by Jewish authorities (for the Old Testament).
- Consistent Message — Were the writings consistent with the other writings that have already been embraced as Scripture?
The ones that passed through the test created what we have today as the Bible. 27 New Testament Books and 39 books in the Old Testament.
Hope this helps bring clarity :) Also here are some great resources to follow up with and continue to study...
#1—Eternity in their hearts by Don
Richardson (can find on Amazon: Paperback & Kindle)
#2—The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel
(can find on Amazon: Paperback & Kindle)
#3—The New Evidence that Demands a
Verdict (can find on Amazon: Hardcover)
#4—Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis (can
find on Amazon: paperback)
#5—Basic Christianity by John Stott (can
find on Amazon: paperback)
#6—The Purpose Driven Life by Rick
Warren (can find on Amazon: Hardcover & Kindle)
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Things you don't need to pray about!
This past Sunday we kicked off our NEW SERMON SERIES "YOU PICK" We dealt with the #1 voted question, "How do you know God is speaking?" We discussed 4 common ways God speaks to us!. If you missed the message you can listen to it at or you can listen on iTunes at This Sunday we will continue our series with part 2 "Prove Jesus without the Bible."
I think it's funny when I hear Christians talk about praying about certain things in their lives. They say they want to pray because they are not sure if they are supposed to do something and they want to make sure its what God really wants. I think if we could get to the root desire and get people to be honest, we say we are going to pray about it because we actually don't want to do it.
There are some things we don't even need to pray about. WHY? Because God's Word (The Bible) already tells us what God's will is. We already know what He wants us to do. We don't need to ask Him. If you are a parent, imagine writing a note for your children before you leave for work. The note has chores, and a few other items of clear direction on them. However, you return to find nothing on it done. When you question your children they say, "We didn't know, you didn't tell us.." What do you mean I didn't tell you, I wrote it down as simple and easy to follow as possible. But they reply, "But you didn't say anything about it. We prayed about it and felt like we needed to play video games instead.
That seems ridiculous but that is how we often treat God. He has told us in His word how He wants to us live and what He desires. We don't need to wonder, guess or hope. So here are some common things Christians pray about but they really shouldn't.
#1--God, should I forgive that person?? He has already answered in Matthew 6:15
#2--God, should I really give or tithe?? He has already answered in Malachi 3:10,
Luke 11:42, 2 Corinthians 8:7
#3--God, should I share my faith? He has already answered in Mark 16:15
#4--God, should I truly help the poor, hurting and broken? He has already answered in
Matthew 25:31-40, James 1:27
#5--God, should I really go to church? Is it that important? God has already answered in
Hebrews 10:25
Should we pray? YES! It's a very important and powerful spiritual discipline. However, when God's word shows us what to do, we are only stalling if we pray about it. :)
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
It's gonna rain on my world
This past Sunday we finished our SERMON SERIES "Storms" We dealt with questions like, "What does bad things happen to good people?" "If God is a God of love than why is there evil in this world?" You can listen to this message on our website or you can listen on iTunes at This Sunday we will kick off our NEW series "You Pick" with the #1 topic "How do I know God is speaking?"
Someone in our church shared some thoughts with me after the message on Sunday. I thought they were worth passing on to everyone :)
In Genesis 2-3 we do see the destruction and death that sin brought into the world. We see that sin (missing the mark of God's standard) always brings death, decay and destruction. Because of sin, Satan was give temporary authority in this world (John 14:30, 2 Corinthians 4:4, 1 John 5:19). Yet there is a glimpse of hope found in Genesis 3:14-15...
14 Then the Lord God said to the serpent,
“Because you have done this, you are cursed
more than all animals, domestic and wild.
You will crawl on your belly,
groveling in the dust as long as you live.
15 And I will cause hostility between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and her offspring.
He will strike[b] your head,
and you will strike his heel.”
more than all animals, domestic and wild.
You will crawl on your belly,
groveling in the dust as long as you live.
15 And I will cause hostility between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and her offspring.
He will strike[b] your head,
and you will strike his heel.”
In one of the darkest and gloomy moments in human history God is present, involved and offering hope. This is the first prophecy in the Bible about Jesus and how HE will defeat Satan!!
You and I will go through storms in life. It will rain on us no matter how much we follow and love God. However, in the midst of the storm God is present, is involved and He always offers hope. This is what Jesus said in the Gospel of John chapter 13
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
This is a test...only a test!
This past Sunday we continued our SERMON SERIES "Storms" We talked about how some storms are actually a test to reveal what's on the inside. Some storms also help us become stronger!!. If you missed the message you can listen to it at or you can listen on iTunes at This Sunday we will conclude our series with Part 4: "Praise Him in the storm."
Think about all of the times you have really grown in your life. What was it that caused you to grow? What caused you to pray more? What caused you to be more disciplined? What caused you to learn more or to educate yourself more strategically?
Usually its the storms we face that reveal what is truly on the inside. A heart attack reveals that we had blocked arteries. Being really overweight often reveals that there are other issues inside. Losing a job and seeing how we handle the situation reveals where our trust really lies.
It is actually the storms in life that push us, stretch us, and force us to grow. They are never fun, pleasant or easy. Yet, they build in us character, strength, integrity and stamina.
May whatever storm you are facing right now cause you to become more like Jesus. May your storm build in you what comfort could not.
During the month of MAY we also are having everyone vote for what topics they would like to hear addressed during the month of JUNE. You can go NOW to and vote for your favorite topic. If there isn't a topic you like you can also add your own.
We are encouraging everyone from the community, from your families and from the church to participate. YOU MATTER! YOU PICK!!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Staying strong in storms
This past Sunday we continued our NEW SERMON SERIES "Storms" Pastor Julie talked about how to stay strong in the midst of a storm and how all things work together for good. If you missed the message you can listen to it at or you can listen on iTunes at This Sunday we will continue our series with Part 3: "It's a Test."
Have you faced a storm that has turned out to be something good and beautiful in the end? If so, share it with us. Just comment on this blog.
During the month of MAY we also are having everyone vote for what topics they would like to hear addressed during the month of JUNE. You can go NOW to and vote for your favorite topic. If there isn't a topic you like you can also add your own.
We are encouraging everyone from the community, from your families and from the church to participate. YOU MATTER! YOU PICK!!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
You Matter! You Pick!
This past Sunday we concluded kicked off our NEW SERMON SERIES "Storms" We talked about how to build a strong foundation in order to withstand the storms of life that WILL COME. If you missed the message you can listen to it at or you can listen on iTunes at
This Sunday for Mother's Day Pastor Julie will be continuing our series "Storms Part 2: The Aftermath."
During the month of MAY we also are having everyone vote for what topics they would like to hear addressed during the month of JUNE. You can go NOW to and vote for your favorite topic. If there isn't a topic you like you can also add your own.
We are encouraging everyone from the community, from your families and from the church to participate. YOU MATTER! YOU PICK!!
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
I've got the power or I've got no power
This past Sunday we concluded our SERMON SERIES "What if we have it all wrong?" We looked at what if we have it wrong about ourselves. We investigated the way we are called to view ourselves. The slogan for the morning was, "If He said it, I can do it!"
Also, at the bottom of this blog post is the take home page that we passed out at the end of the gathering.
Do you have a tendency to struggle more with self-reliance and pride or insecurity and fear? Whatever side of the pendulum we fall on, God has a different perspective or lens or us to view ourselves through. God doesn't want us to view ourselves through the lens of our past, our pain, our struggles, our failures or even or sins. He wants us to view ourselves the way He does.
The amazing reality is that throughout the Bible God chose and used people who were imperfect, flawed and unqualified. Check out this Old Testament verse.
God has always delighted and still delights in using ordinary people to do extraordinary things. One of my favorite Bible verses is 1 Corinthians 1:27--Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful.
God loves you and wants to use you to do great things. How do I know that? The cross of Jesus Christ proves His love and passion for His people. He will call you to do things that you think, "No way, I can't do that. God who am I? I've got no power."
His reply is always the same, "Exactly, that is why I'm calling you. You can't do without me but because I say you can do, YOU CAN DO IT!" That way He gets all of the glory, we stay humble and God reveals to all of us once again that He alone is God!!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
What are you investing in?
This past Sunday we continued our SERMON SERIES "What if we have it all wrong?" We looked at what what truly is worth our investments. If you missed the message you can listen to it at or you can listen on iTunes at
Also, at the bottom of this blog post is the take home page that we passed out at the end of the gathering.
What are you investing for? What are your goals or dreams for the future? Maybe you are investing because you will have several children in college? Maybe you have all girls and will need extra cash for weddings :). Maybe you are investing for your retirement home in Florida, North Carolina or Iowa (yes Iowa). We all invest for many reasons.
However, all of our investments are pretty short lived. All of the money we accrue and the possessions we gain are all temporal. They won't live forever. Things break, get stolen, or lost. Even if we are able to pass them on to our children they will eventually spend it (maybe even on useless things. That is why Jesus shared with us an important principle...
Matthew 6:19-21— 19 “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. 21 Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.
It is wise to save for the future, invest and plan. However, it will eventually all be blown away. However, when we invest in eternal things, it will last forever. One of the best investments we could make is in relationships. Our relationship with God and with others will go on forever!! The best investment yield possible.
Also, if we invest in what God tells us to, our hearts will be there. Whatever we are investing in will always capture our hearts. I know we all want God to capture our hearts above anything else.
Take a few moments and go through this take home page and begin to develop a habit of investing in the eternal.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Can I be successful?
This past Sunday we continued our SERMON SERIES "What if we have it all wrong?" We looked at what success really is and what God defines success as. If you missed the message you can listen to it at or you can listen on iTunes at
Why don't you grab a cup of coffee or tea, sit in your favorite spot and read Matthew 25:14-28.
#1--What does the master value in this parable? What does the master praise?
#2--Why does he call the 3rd servant wicked? What was different with him from the other two?
#3-According to this passage would success equal the amount of money and possessions each servant had or faithfulness?
#4--If success is faithfulness to what we have been given, how faithful are you currently being in the following areas?
*Finances, relationships, time?
#5--How can you be more faithful?
I love this quote my Jeanne Mayo, "SMALL acts of seemingly insignificant discipline eventually reap MAGNIFICENT results."
Success is not what others see but what God sees...faithfulness! That means we can all be successful!!
Thursday, March 28, 2013
One verse wrapped up by one song!
This past Sunday we finished our SERMON SERIES "Love 4th Power." We took another look at what Jesus said was the most important commandment. Jesus summed up the entire Bible in a few verses. For Part 4 We focused on the "Strength." If you missed this past Sunday or any other, you can listen on-line at or you can listen on iTunes at
What a powerful series this past month. From my personal perspective this has been one of our most challenging and life changing series we have done. I pray that you were changed and inspired to live differently and to become a passionate follower of Christ every day.
This music video below "Open Me" by Sean McDonald sums up this entire series.I hope you enjoy this song.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Let's start a soul train
This past Sunday we continued our SERMON SERIES "Love 4th Power." We took another look at what Jesus said was the most important commandment. Jesus summed up the entire Bible in a few verses. For Part 3 We focused on the "Soul." If you missed this past Sunday or any other, you can listen on-line at or you can listen on iTunes at
Every week at Wyandotte Family we have a slogan that everyone repeats through the message. The slogan from this past week was "God wants the real me, what others cannot see."
I think its really kind of ironic. The things we feel we need to hide from God are the things He wants us to give to Him. However, we try to hide the areas of our lives that aren't very pretty. As a result we find ourselves having private life and a public life.
God doesn't want us to be religious or pretend on Sunday's. He knows us inside and out anyway. We can't pull a fast one over on Him.
I pray that we all learn to be authentic with God. I pray that we will open up our souls to Him and allow Him in to every room and dark corner of our heart. The amazing thing we will find out is that where light enters, darkness can't be. Go ahead an turn off the lights for a second in your room. As soon as you turn on the light, darkness is no more. When we allow God into our souls and we lay everything before Him, then we are in position to experience true grace, love and transformation.
When we begin to be a people that love God with all of our soul, we will be starting a new kind of "soul train." A soul train to experiencing real life!
Friday, March 15, 2013
The mind is a terrible thing to waste!
This past Sunday we continued our NEW SERMON SERIES "Love 4th Power." We took another look at what Jesus said was the most important commandment. Jesus summed up the entire Bible in a few verses. For Part 2 Pastor Evan focused on the "mind." If you missed this past Sunday or any other, you can listen on-line at or you can listen on iTunes at
The mind!! That is where the true battle is. You know what I'm talking about. Your spouse makes a smart comment to you, someone at school makes fun of you, or someone cuts you off on the road and acts like it was your fault; what happens. Thoughts quickly fill our minds of what we want to say or do in retaliation.
Or have you ever experienced this before. You are driving down the road, cleaning the house or doing something else and all of a sudden a thought comes into your mind out of nowhere. Not only does a thought come in but this thought is fully formed and not a good thought. For instance, you are driving down Fort Street when all of a sudden this fully formed thought comes into your mind. "I should just walk into work today and tell my boss off. He never appreciates me or cares to notice how hard I work." You could have been listening to the radio and your mind was no where near that but within a split second that thought enters in.
The mind is where the battle is lost or won. What we allow in our minds, we we meditate on and think upon eventually becomes our actions. We learned this past Sunday that God asks us to love Him with all of our mind. We are called to not just let our minds wander but to take captive thoughts that do no honor him or love others. Pastor Evan did a great job breaking that down this past Sunday on how to win the battle and to truly love God with all of our mind.
May we be people with self-control that learn to allow our minds to be renewed and restored the way God intends.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
An Ancient Question
This past Sunday we launched our NEW SERMON SERIES "Love 4th." We took a look at what Jesus said was the most important commandment. Jesus summed up the entire BIble in a few verses. If you missed this past Sunday or any other, you can listen on-line at or you can listen on iTunes at
What does it mean to be a Christian? How do you know if you are going to make it to heaven? Is it possible to have peace on this earth knowing where you will go after you die?
Is it all about being good? Is it all about being religious? Is it all about going to church on Sunday's? Is it doing the best you can hoping you'll make it? Is it all about keeping a list of rules?
A religious leader asked Jesus around 32 AD a pretty significant question..."How do you inherit eternal life?" He was asked Jesus, "How do you know you'll make it to heaven?" This question has been burning in the hearts of people for centuries. Jesus being the master teacher, answered the question with another question and a story.
10:25-28— 25 One day an expert in religious law stood up to test
Jesus by asking him this question: “Teacher, what should I do to inherit
eternal life?” 26 Jesus replied, “What does
the law of Moses say? How do you read it?” 27 The
man answered, “‘You must love the Lord your God
with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ And,
‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”[c] 28 “Right!” Jesus told him. “Do this and you will live!”
Jesus affirmed the religious leader that the way to truly live and have assurance of eternal life is to love God with all of your heart, mind, soul and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself.
So what does it mean to love God with all of your heart? How do you know if you are loving God in this capacity? We spent 30 minutes discussing this this past Sunday. I would encourage you to listen to the podcast and comment and share your thoughts.
You can comment on this blog or you can also comment at @WyandotteFamily on Twitter.
I pray that we will not be a people that sprinkle God into our lives like we do bacon bits on a salad. I pray that we truly love God with all of our heart and everything we do in life flows out of that.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Glad that is over!!
This past Sunday we finished our SERMON SERIES "Pitfall." We took a look at what the Bible says about conflict and how we can learn to navigate through it in a healthy way!!. We learned that God has a specific strategy when it comes to resolving conflict and we uncovered steps #2 & #3. If you missed this past Sunday or any other, you can listen on-line at or you can listen on iTunes at
Conflict...who likes it? Who looks for it? Who wakes up and gets excited to have friction? Yet, conflict is a part of every relationship. When one conflict gets resolved another seems to pop up. I know God's strategy isn't easy to follow yet know that His ways work. Taking the easy route doesn't produce the best fruit. Doing the hard things often produces the fruit we want.
As we move on from the Pitfall series and onto Love to the 4th power I encourage you to not run from conflict. We can stuff, withdraw, ignore or even run away but that will never solve the root issue. Wherever we go, there we are. I pray that we will be a people who learn to be mature and refuse to settle. I pray that we don't take the easy route but choose the hard one. I pray that we value relationships over being right or proving a point. I pray that we see relationships restored, strengthened and healed.
Lets continue to work on ourselves, our motives, our attitudes and our love. If we all made that commitment, we would see our community, families and job relationships strengthened.
Friday, February 15, 2013
The Facebook Challenge
This past Sunday we continued our NEW SERMON SERIES "Pitfall." We took a look at what the Bible says about conflict and how we can learn to navigate through it in a healthy way!!. We learned that God has a specific strategy when it comes to resolving conflict and we uncovered part 1. If you missed it you can listen on-line at or you can listen on iTunes at
So, where you surprised by what God's first step or part was? (Matthew 18:15). Most likely you were not surprised at all. That is the amazing reality about truth...we often know it but don't like to live by it. Going privately and talking to the other person to resolve the conflict can be very difficult. Yet, it's worth it!!
I really encourage you to listen to the full message if you haven't yet. God's word is full of so many wonderful truths that are powerful.
Here's the challenge from the message: The facebook challenge!! For the next 21 days do not say anything negative about anyone else on your posts. Don't complain, criticize or belittle any person, company, sports team etc. If you truly have a problem with a co-worker, boss or friend, set up a time to talk with them over coffee or dinner. Remember, before we do, let's take time to examine our own heart, motive and role in the matter.
It's a tough challenge but those who are willing to do hard things, enjoy the greatest rewards!!
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