1. Depression
2. Pornography
3. Gambling
4. Drinking
Each of the topics have been tough to tackle but I have enjoyed the challenge and have enjoyed creating an authentic environment.
Today we talked about drinking. I know this is a touchy subject for a lot of people. I tried to navigate thorough this topic Biblically but not religiously. I encourage you to pause for 25 minutes and listen to the message online at http://www.wyandottefamily.com/listen.html
The whole reason we have gone through this series is not to point fingers, not to make feel people feel ostracized but to deal with issues that people are facing and to create an authentic environment where people can get help.
I mentioned in my message that we support a ministry called Life Challenge in Detroit. They help people get free from life controlling problems. If you need help or know someone who does, I encourage you to check them out. http://lifechallengesemi.org