One of the best ways we can lead ourselves and be most effective in life is to manage our time well. As a follower of Christ this is one area of my life that I constantly focus on, pray about and examine. I juggle time for my marriage, children, the ministry, family, God, friends, chores etc. etc.
Many people often ask, "What does a pastor do during the week?" All you work is on Sunday's right?
Below is a general overview of a typical week on how I invest my time. I am in no way perfect and am constantly striving to grow and become better. The one thing I do strive for is for Jesus to be the center that everything flows out of.
Sunday's--The day starts between 5-5:45am to pray and read my Bible. 6:45am go to the "box" to help the Grunt Team B set up. After church (1:00pm) I'll often go out to eat with my family or with someone from the church. . I'll work on administrative stuff for the following week until 5 or 5:30pm.
Monday's--My Sabbath Day (Gift Day)--I won't answer my phone all day or look at emails. My wife will check it in case of emergencies. I'll spend extra time with Jesus and with my family. We try to do a family fun activity and act out a Bible play as a family. Will return calls & emails on Tuesday.
Tuesday--Get up around 5:15am to read my Bible & pray. Attend the Men's Coffee Group at Tim Horntons. Work on administration until 11am. During the summer I get to take Brianna to violin lessons at 10:30am twice a month). Noon is Rotary every week. After Rotary I spend a few hours downtown Wyandotte going from business to business meeting people, talking and building relationships. Will work on my sermon until 5-5:30pm
Wednesday--I spend half the day doing chores, cutting the grass etc. The other half is devoted to working on my sermon and emails. I often will set up appointments in the evening (marriage counseling, bible studies etc.)
Thursday--Try to get up at 6am to spend time in prayer & read my Bible. I will spend the early morning in prayer & finishing up my sermon for Sunday. I will make many phone calls to the leadership team to touch base and catch up. Twice a month I meet someone early in the morning at Tim Hortons to mentor another gentleman.
Friday's--Spend time in prayer & reading my bible at 7am. Twice a month I go to the Wyandotte Business Association meetings at city hall. I will often try to spend the a few hours after as well meeting people and building relationship int the city. I will finish the day until 5pm on administration, phone calls & final prep.
Saturdays--Will spend the day finishing up on any lose ends from the week and getting together with people. I spend the evening going over my message and praying.
**Not included in list: Weekly call to my prayer partner, daddy dates with my girls, dates with Julie, leadership meetings once a month, meeting with people in the church as needed, city council meetings, connection groups, Third Friday's, monthly sectional Assemblies of God meetings, creative planning meetings, or running
The important thing for a pastor is to be flexible as needs arrive. However there are some things that stay consistent.
I've tried my best to be authentic. I constantly work on my schedule and ask God to guide me. I want to lead myself so I can lead others!