This past Sunday we were in between series so I shared the message "God is For-Giving"
We all are at different generosity stages and we all have a generosity point at which we pause and struggle to give.
We focused on the truth...learn to truly live by learning to truly give. As we cross the line into a relationship with Jesus, we become more like him. The more like him we become, the more we become for-giving!
We used the cheesy but fun acronym of (F.O.R.D-Frustrated over regular distractions) to talk about being generous with our time and (G.M.-Generous with our money) to talk about being faithful in giving in the church & outside as well.
We used the cheesy but fun acronym of (F.O.R.D-Frustrated over regular distractions) to talk about being generous with our time and (G.M.-Generous with our money) to talk about being faithful in giving in the church & outside as well.
#1-On a scale 1-10 (10 being the highest) how would you rate yourself on the generous scale?
#2-Why did you rate yourself the way you did?
#3-Where is your generosity limit?
#4-Why does it stop there? What is holding you back from growing in generosity?
#5--What can you do this week to grow in generosity?
#3-Where is your generosity limit?
#4-Why does it stop there? What is holding you back from growing in generosity?
#5--What can you do this week to grow in generosity?
Learn to truly live by learning to truly give!